2017年4月29日 星期六

#7 Steve Jobs’ Talk

1.diverge(v.):iopinions, interests etc diverge, they are different from each other
ex:Here his views diverged from hers.

2.curiosity(n.): the desire to know about something
exThe news aroused a lot of curiosity among local people.

3. intuition(n.)an idea about what is true in a particular situation based on a feeling rather than facts
exWe should trust our intuitions.

4.subtle(adj.)not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention
ex:The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.

5.Stay HungryStay Foolish  -Never be satisfied, and always push yourself.

I like the three stories that Jobs' said.
Not only because of it is his speech, its content is also very inspiring people.
First:connecting the dots.
Maybe we are learning now don't feel any use in the moment, but maybe one day we look back, will find that all this is related.
Second:love and loss
Everyone has failed, has disappointing experience, but as long as they like to do what they did, also keep enthusiasm, it can start from scratch.
Death is a stage of life, even if you don't want, eventually you will face.
It is because of life is limited, so don't waste your own life to live in someone else's life. To remind yourself that you will death, is the best way to avoid falling into the trap of suffering. You have nothing at all, there is no reason not to go well.

I think life is limit actually, so don't waste your time to follow anyone else,
do your like things, and trust yourself.
And when you face the difficult problem, don't give up easily, like jobs' saying.

1 則留言:

  1. Yes, what seems to be useless now could turn to something valuable in the future, we never know, right?
